Thrift Mondays

I hope everyone had a great weekend and took note to my last blog. I’m happy to say I’m over my flu for the most part, but I am still taking medication. But over that, I want to tell you about something that might interest the fashion/vintage bloggers out there. Every Monday a friend and I go thrifting at Unique Thrift off Preston Hwy. We like to hit up Unique every Monday because they have 25% off everything in the whole store and sometimes 50%. Unique has apparel(Men, Woman, and Kids), shoes, furniture, accessories, and more. I personally like to thrift because I like unique items and pieces that I can place together that I would likely seeing on someone else. The prices range from $1-100, but I never spend more then 10 dollars on a single item. I encourage everyone to check it out, I promise you will not be disappointed. Heres the link to the store for more information if needed. I hope you all have a great week and thanks for taking time out of your day reading DwaynessWorld Blog. Heres also some pictures of items I have bought at Unique in the past. Peace.



Flu and Cold Season

Welcome Back to DwaynessWorld blog! I hope everyone had a great weekend and are staying healthy through this up and down winter. I am currently under the weather so I thought what could be better to talk about then the flu and cold season. Everyone needs to take precaution when it’s come to the flu and cold because if not treated properly or over looked then it can develop in to something worse. Here’s a link of five precautions you should take so you will not end up like me. Other ways you can prevent from not getting sick this winter are getting a flu shot, drink plenty of orange juice, and dress appropriately I.e. long johns, long socks, coat or jacket, scarf, gloves and a toboggan hat. I know sometimes it may hit 60 degrees this winter but its still important to dress appropriate and not for the moment. Thanks for taking time to read my blog, I hope it help out a lot and will help you stay healthy this winter.


MLK Weekend

This weekend was a great one and also a time to remember the Late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I started off my weekend Saturday with community service with my RSO at Brooklawn Child and Family Services. At Brooklawn we interacted with children 6-11 years old boys and girls in a friendly game of dodge ball. My organization has a new deal with Brooklawn were we come every other Saturday until the semester is over. We plan to build relationships with these kids who have such unstable past relationships. Sunday I went to a MLK ceremony at the Henry Clay building Downtown. This event was held by JCTC and I seen a lot of peers and faculty from U of L. I ended my weekend with community service again at MLK Day of Service put on by the University of Louisville. This is my second year participating and I can say it was way better than last year. I went back to Brooklawn and had a totally different experience than on Saturday. This time we worked with two different age groups and watch MLK’s “I have a Dream” speech and talked about how much he impacted our society positively. To sum it up I had a very busy and fun weekend and glad I had a chance to keep MLK’s dream alive. Click link to watch video


Hey All,

Welcome to my blog for Comm 301- Online Journalism. Just to let you know a little about me I am 21, a senior planning on graduating in December 2012, and my career aspirations are to become a PR agent or a Event planner in the entertainment field. I am currently working two on-campus jobs and live off campus with two roommates. I just declare my major to communication and could not be anymore excited. I enjoy blogging this semester and hope you all enjoy my posts. Good Day

-Dwayne Dix


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