Spring Break is Approaching!!!

Hello beautiful people!!! I hope everyone had a excellent weekend and week. This weeks topic will be on spring break. Here at the University of Louisville we are in week 8 which means spring break is vastly approaching. My partners Mike, Joey, and I made a video on spring break were weinterviewed peers on their plans for spring break 2012. We asked our interviewees how are they funding spring break, where are they going, past experiences on spring break, and what advice do they have for fellow spring breakers. We had great and positive feedback from everyone we interviewed and from fellow classmates when we aired our video. In my four years in college I only participated in one spring break sophomore year when I went on a cruise to the Bahamas. I went with some of my fellow RA co-workers and had a unbelievable great time. Now I want to hear from you, leave me a comment and let me know about some of your past experiences on spring break. Take care fellow blogggers and have a blessed and productive week. Peace. ✌


My Divine Family Spring 2012 Preview Look Book!

Look Book provided by D.M.D’ Agency. MDF 2012 Spring Preview. Vintage Clothes. Fashion. Look Book. Image

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Special Thanks to our Beautiful models Mariah Powers & D’Ante Tinson, Amazing Photoghaper Leilani Hunter, Ella Photography, Mariah’s heels provided by Loud!, and My Divine Family for letting D.M.D’ create this project for them. Be on the look out for MDF apparel in stores near you!

Fashion Shoot

Hello Everyone, I hope you all had an excellent and exciting weekend. I also hope you all enjoyed my last post and had a great V-Day. This week I want to talk about something I am working on this week that might interest some of those fashion bloggers out there. I arranged a photo shoot to take place today in a Grotto by my apartment complex. I found this aspiring photographer through a friend at U of L and asked two friends to be models. I have to make a creative for a company or brand for my stratigic communication class. I decided to go with one of my friends up and coming clothing line M.D.F. or My Divine Family. This clothing line features a lot of screen printing of t-shirts, crew sweatshirts, and hoodies and a little vintage wear too. He eventually wants to have his apparel in local shops and boutiques around the city so I thought I could compile a look book for him. A look book is a portfolio of models wearing your apparel and shows a assemble of styles you put together. I thought a look book would be perfect for him so he could show different store owners or merchandisers his clothes and how well he styles without him actually carring apparel with him. I like to think I’m killing two birds with one stone and having a little fun too. I will keep you all posted on the look book and how the photo shoot went. Have a great week and thanks again for taking time out of your day to keep in touch with DwaynessWorld! Peace.

Here’s a couple of pictures off what the look book would look like inside and out.






Valentines Day Blues

Hey Followers! I hope everyone had a great weekend and a excellent V-Day. Valentine’s Day has to be one of the largest commercialize holiday’s ever. Company’s just want you to spend tons of money to show your significant other that you really do care for them. But do we really need V-day to show our counterparts how much we love and care for them? I think everyday should be valentines day then because if you truly love your girl/boyfriend or wife/husband you would show your affection everyday and not just one day out the year. I think so many individuals get caught up in the hype of V-day that they buy gifts, flowers, and candy for the wrong reasons. I’m not trying to sound pessimistic or anything but I think some people just put on this pseudo mirage for others to see how loved they are. I did not have a valentine this year but I had a great day anyways and could not of asked for a better valentines day. I see no sense in stressing and feeling depress on V-day because you do not have a valentine to share it with. Some people do not have mothers to celebrate mother’s day with or fathers to celebrate fathers day with. Two key things I leave for you and what I live by are, “Love yourself before you love another.” and “Count every single blessing, we should be so appreciative and thankful just to see another day.”. Well I hope you all have a great week people and comment if you agree or disagree with my post. Peace.


Collegiate 100 Week 2012

Hello again. I hope everyone had a great Super Bowl weekend, Go Giants! Well this weeks post will be dedicated to a recognized student organization I am apart of and what’s currently going on. Collegiate 100 is a community service organization which is predominantly for African American males focused on giving back to the community in various ways. We were founded on University of Louisville campus Spring 2004 by 17 collegiate men with four main principles: Mentoring, Education, Networking, and Economical Development. We volunteer at Brooklawn Child and Family center every other Saturday where we play physical activities with the kids as part of their therapy. We currently have over 40 members who are active leaders on campus and include former Mr. Cardinal, former SGA President, Homecoming Kings, SOSers, Resident Assistants, SGA representatives, Mentors, and the list can go on and on. We have a great reputation on campus, along with a great work ethic and successful programs/events. This week is Collegiate Week 2012 and we are hosting an abundance of events. Here’s a pic of the flyer for details. Please come out to any event this week on campus if you are available!
