Valentines Day Blues

Hey Followers! I hope everyone had a great weekend and a excellent V-Day. Valentine’s Day has to be one of the largest commercialize holiday’s ever. Company’s just want you to spend tons of money to show your significant other that you really do care for them. But do we really need V-day to show our counterparts how much we love and care for them? I think everyday should be valentines day then because if you truly love your girl/boyfriend or wife/husband you would show your affection everyday and not just one day out the year. I think so many individuals get caught up in the hype of V-day that they buy gifts, flowers, and candy for the wrong reasons. I’m not trying to sound pessimistic or anything but I think some people just put on this pseudo mirage for others to see how loved they are. I did not have a valentine this year but I had a great day anyways and could not of asked for a better valentines day. I see no sense in stressing and feeling depress on V-day because you do not have a valentine to share it with. Some people do not have mothers to celebrate mother’s day with or fathers to celebrate fathers day with. Two key things I leave for you and what I live by are, “Love yourself before you love another.” and “Count every single blessing, we should be so appreciative and thankful just to see another day.”. Well I hope you all have a great week people and comment if you agree or disagree with my post. Peace.


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