National Champs!!!

Woot Woot!!! Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats on winning their eighth national championship Monday! Hey fellow bloggers, hope all is well and you had and excellent weekend like I had. Last time we talked I was preparing for and exciting matchup against UK and U of L. Unfortunately, U of L did not come out on top and UK moved on to the championship game verses Kansas. I thought U of L played a great game and showed up with the awesome defense. This was the first time UK has won a national championship since 1998 and the first ever for Coach Calipari. With all the adversity Coach Cal had to face, I am so glad he has a ring now. Kentucky pretty much led the whole game but had a little scared at the end of the game from a rally back of KU offense. The final score was KU- 59 and UK- 67 with Doron Lamb leading the way with 22 points. The phenom freshman Anothny Davis had only 6 points but led in every other category with 15 rebounds, 5 assist, 3 steals, and 6 blocks. This team has come so far and know the true diffention of team work. I could only wish they could stay together to dominate college basketball next year. I am sure everyone will put there self in the NBA lottey, but lets ponder on what if this team would stay together? Can we say dynasty! Have a great week fellow bloggers! PeaceāœŒ


