National Champs!!!

Woot Woot!!! Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats on winning their eighth national championship Monday! Hey fellow bloggers, hope all is well and you had and excellent weekend like I had. Last time we talked I was preparing for and exciting matchup against UK and U of L. Unfortunately, U of L did not come out on top and UK moved on to the championship game verses Kansas. I thought U of L played a great game and showed up with the awesome defense. This was the first time UK has won a national championship since 1998 and the first ever for Coach Calipari. With all the adversity Coach Cal had to face, I am so glad he has a ring now. Kentucky pretty much led the whole game but had a little scared at the end of the game from a rally back of KU offense. The final score was KU- 59 and UK- 67 with Doron Lamb leading the way with 22 points. The phenom freshman Anothny Davis had only 6 points but led in every other category with 15 rebounds, 5 assist, 3 steals, and 6 blocks. This team has come so far and know the true diffention of team work. I could only wish they could stay together to dominate college basketball next year. I am sure everyone will put there self in the NBA lottey, but lets ponder on what if this team would stay together? Can we say dynasty! Have a great week fellow bloggers! Peace✌




Tamale, Ghana

Hello fellow bloggers and friends! I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for a productive and great week ahead. Well I received a phone call from Sister Cities of Louisville today to set up a interview for a study aboard trip I applied for a month ago. Tamale, Ghana is the location I choose and I could not be anymore happier. I have always dreamed of going to Africa and hopefully it can become reality. Sister Cities of Louisville mission is to create opportunities for Louisville citizens and citizens of Sister Cities to work together in creating international community partnerships. Also to stimulate exchanges and projects in the areas of professional economic development, education, community initiatives, arts and culture, medicine, tourism, and technology. I plan to serve my project in education and maybe teach English to young Ghanian males. Everything is pretty much still up in the air and still need to make it past my interview stage, so I will keep you all posted on the details. Keep me in your prayers! Peace. ✌